Sunday, July 28, 2002

The post-11pm happenings


some of the more nightlife-conscious people out there are wondering what Kristian gets up in the wee hours of the day.  so quick word on the chinese night club is due...

on arrival they're playing some slow dance, oldies music, and you're wondering "did I just pay 10 kuai for this?!" but you want to be culturally flexible and decide to sit down and talk to some people, see what happens.  not a problem for two white boys to spark up conversation, although communicating in broken chinese over the loud music can be a problem at times.  you notice people are drinking...  juice.  beer is approximately 10 times more expensive than outside, so the chinese (budget conscious people they are) chill with their little fruit juice boxes, no worries.

the slow music stops and some trendy looking character speaks in the microfone for who know how long - i have no idea what is being said the whole time, but suddenly he starts calling numbers up, and people come up to the stage: a raffle!!  people walk out with all sorts of stuff, cd players, shoes whatever.  realize that is why there were funny little numbers on the ticket they gave you at the door. 

when it's over, the lights dim and absolutely crazy bumping techno hits, rocking the house... everyone flocks to the floor and dance till the end of the night. 

good times at the chinese club, never know what'll come next.

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