Saturday, January 01, 2005

My Resolution for 2005

I have one resolution for 2005. There's just one thing I really want to commit to.
Over the course of this last year I learned that writing is in my future. Why? First, writing is an innate talent which comes natural to me. It feels good to write. That's a big plus when considering where I should devote my energies! Second, writing will support the lifestyle I seek; and in turn that lifestyle will support my writing.

That lifestyle being... adventure.

I'm not a creative fiction writer. I don't know how to weave stories out of thin air (not yet, anyway). What I do best is feel inspired from whatever powerful, unconventional, or challenging experiences I may have. This means I have no other option but to open myself fully to self-expression; lay bare the thoughts and emotions that swirl around my life; and hope they appeal to a massive worldwide audience.

Heck, might as well try.

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