Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Living on the boat at Campus Point

I started grad school September 2007 at UCSB's Bren School of Environmental Management. During fall quarter I anchored the Black Pearl at Campus Point. I rowed to school every morning and back late at night. The weather was calm and sunny most of the time.

The view of campus from the boat - the Bren building is on the right.

The dinghy is parked on the beach, I tie it up to a pipe and lock it. This is the view as I walk up the beach to the stairs going to campus.

The view from the bluffs, the boat is barely seen in the distance.

Sunrise in Goleta from the water.

Aerial View of Campus Point.

Aerial View of Goleta and Isla Vista. Campus Point is in the center.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Sensational site. I'm envious. The photos zeroing in on your 'commute' a great way to start.

(How about a hyperzoom lensed camera for the shot of the boat from shore?)

Congratulations! Bob