Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Jesusita Fire

From Santa Barbara '09
View of Jesusita Fire from UCSB looking towards Santa Barbara - note the Black Pearl at anchor on the right side of the frame. Photo: Scott Webb

Wildfire above the hills of Santa Barbara, just raged out of control this afternoon due to the 50mph+ winds and hot air. Houses are on fire.

Third fire in 12 months, even people downtown have evacuated twice this year. Incredible. In November '08 the Tea Fire burned above Montecito and in July '08 the Gap Fire above Goleta.

I watched the flames from the boat, sitting at anchor last night. Warm gusty winds, aircraft flying overhead to dump water, people losing sleep as they picked up their things and evacuated. Like my professor this morning, wondering if his 200 paintings would survive the next 24 hrs, or my project colleague, who packed everything into his Subaru last night.

I never expected that living on the boat would somehow be more secure than living in a home... but that is certainly the case right now.

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