Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sunken Dinghy

I left town for three days and when I returned the dinghy was submerged by sand.  I showed up at 11pm after a long day at school and I couldn't believe it - the dinghy was nearly buried, sand filled to the rims which was wet and hard like concrete.  
The oars and things were still inside, which I discovered as I started digging with my bare fingers.   It took over an hour, and incidentally the tide was creeping in, higher and higher, so it was a rush against time.  I strategically dug the sand out in piles that would block the incoming tide. After I had most of the sand out I still couldn't budge the dinghy - it was stuck in the hole.  I dug around it, my hands and finger now feeling raw and sore.  It could rock the thing back and forth, but only after a big wave sent water to the edge of the dinghy, did I bring out the "mom whose baby is stuck under the car and lifts it" superpower, and got it upside down, draining water.

Soon I had the dinghy afloat and was rowing back to my boat, still sweaty from the exertion, way after midnight on a calm night.

1 comment:

Dylan Beadle said...

"mom whose baby is stuck under the car and lifts it" superpower. Funny! :)