Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Rowboat from campus at night

It's a daily adventure - walking at night with my backpack, the waves crashing on the cliffs, getting to the dinghy. Sometimes I have to hold the backpack above my head to keep it from getting wet, water swirling up to my waist. 

There's an incredible amount of kelp washed up on shore and the flies are thriving, which is a bit unpleasant, but I'm sure they serve a good ecological purpose. The tar has also been really thick on the beach.

Untie the dinghy, push towards the water's edge, and time the little sets with the moonlight. On good days I just get my ankles wet, no more. Sometimes the southeast wind is quite strong at night and I paddle against the chop, but it's always rejuvenating - I feel fresh and alive by the time I hop on the sailboat, and the lights of the campus are far away on shore.

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