Sunday, June 15, 2008

Disappearing Dinghy part 2

I kept forgetting about getting a lock for the dinghy, particularly now that I was in finals week. Just how things turn out, the dinghy disappeared again. This time there was no sign of foulplay or clues to its whereabouts. The stress was compounded by the fact that I was planning a trip out to the Channel Islands with 3 friends, planned departure the very next day. The dinghy was an essential item for us.

I ran down to Goleta Beach, about 500 yards away, and was overjoyed to see the dinghy on the beach - upside down on the rocks near the parking lot, as if someone had dragged it up there. The oars were gone, and the stern line was now attached to the bow. Weird. I ran along the beach another 1/2 mile but did not find any gear. At least the most important piece of equipment was not lost!

The happy crew with the dinghy intact, enroute to the islands, the sailboat in the background. A key item when you're based in an anchorage - but also great for visiting fellow boaters, using as a raft for diving, going to shore during trips, etc.

Remains a mystery what happened - whether someone took the dinghy, or whether it came loose from the knot on the post. Either way, a bummer, and I had to race to the marine store to purchase oars at $100 for the pair. Better than having to purchase a new dinghy, which cost me $250 used.

One would hope I had learned my lesson by now and plan on leaving things more secure!

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