San Cristobal is to the right of Santa Cruz, centered, 2.5 hours by boat.
The waterfront road at Puerto Baquerizo.
August 10th was the celebration of Ecuador's independence, and all government workers (at hospitals, school, etc.) were mandated to be part of the parade. There had been band practice with loud drums nearly everyday, particularly during siesta time. This evened out the noise spectrum - from the 6am blarring radio at the mechanic shop, to the dogs and chickens making a racket all night, to the taxi horns during the day. Noise seems to be a part of life here.
A week before independece day, the mayor put on a concert for the locals, to celebrate the town.
Yan the surfer from Paris - the ozzies taught him hand motions to mimmick getting barreled on a wave, and he practiced these in the middle of the street.
The beach and the ozzies from Melbourne, Warren and Eric.
Enroute back to Santa Cruz island - August and September are the windy months and the channel crossings are the roughest.
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